The CAE technology constitutes the analysis branch of our production system that is based on automation prior to transfer of 3D designs to CAM technology in order to be manufactured as being the stage of control of the design accuracy, revising the errors, and correcting the incomplete parts if any. We can see the perfection that analysing has brought in to us, reflections of progress in quality and speed of fault detection in our designs. CAE stage has been a very important factor for us to provide standard production where we can confirm the accuracy of information based on our experience, and the we can identify the points need to be updated.
We have been obtaining results with proven correctness in order to meet the customer expectations together with the design sub-structured data analysis and simulation applications that the system has offered. CAE outputs, inform to realize the needed changes in the required sections with the help of graphs and the information on the necessity of revision that will extend the service life of the mould. Improvements are made by having read and interpreted correctly the analysis results obtained within the CAE system thru the graphics and an increase is provided in the quality of the moulds. The 3D model dimensions that have been designed are controlled 100% for similarity together with the manufactured product and the desired accuracy is achieved. The accuracy of the desired values in parameters such as profile exit temperature, material flowing velocity, load stresses on the mould etc. can be controlled. These measurements that have the characteristics of determining the life of the mould have great importance in terms of the final user and shed a light to our design logic for long-lasting mould manufacturing.
As a natural outcome of CAE system, together with the design and solutions we produce we are our carrying our existing manufacturing further than the world standards. We will continue to produce innovations to reflect the principles we have in the most actual way together with our team of experts that have an innovative thinking.